Perhaps not very obvious, but certainly not less fun, the Lithuanian Vilnius. Built with a huge number of churces and beautiful 13th century houses. Architecture lovers: eat your heart out!
Visit Old Town and be amazed by the beautiful, well-maintained baroque architecture while enjoying a cup of coffee at one of the many cafes. Did you know that Old Town is on the UNESCO World Heritage List? In the heart of the city you will find Cathedral Square, the main square of Old Town. On this square stands the Vilnius Cathedral, a beautiful white cathedral with a white bell tower. Regular events, markets, exhibitions and even concerts are organized on the Cathedral Square. Behind the square you find Gediminas Hill, also the foundation of Vilnius. You walk up the cobblestone path from Cathedral Square in about 5 minutes. From this hill you have a view over the whole city. There is also a tower that you can visit. In the tower exhibitions are being given about the history of the castle and weapons that were used, which you can attend for 4 euros.


From the Cathedral Square you walk towards Bernadine Sodas, a city garden that lies on the banks of the river. Via a wooden staircase you can go up the hill to see three crosses that protrude above the city. Unfortunately, the crosses were once destroyed by the Soviets, so the crosses you’ll see are replacements.
When you cross the Vilnia river, you end up in the Republic of Uzupis. This artist republic has its own president, currency and constitution. You should read this constitution to get amazed by the things that are in it. For example, you have the right to love and a dog has the right to be a dog. An impressive sight is the Museum of Genocide Victims. This museum offers a picture of the communist occupation through photographs, information and possessions. Even the prison cells and execution room can be viewed as they used to be.
Even though the city does not seem suitable For a balloon flight at first glance, nothing is less true. Leave with an early morning ride from the balloon center and enjoy the beautiful view of the city for an hour.